Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Who are we?

The most important introduction is to Dizzee McStinkle (Stinkle to his friends)

 Dizzee is a five year old Bugg! (Pug X Boston Terrier) he lives a thoroughly spoilt lifestyle in the very fine city of Norwich. He likes sleeping, eating and toys made of rope. Me? Well I am his human Amber, I have a love of all dogs and hope that with the help of my hairy sidekick and our doggy friends we can write something interesting *fingers crossed* and helpful for other dog lovers! Dizzee wants to try out recipes for treats and test out new toys, I on the other hand would like to try out new shampoos and other useful things which he finds oh so boring! We know a few tricks which we might let you in on and we hope to find some nice dog friendly places throughout the UK.

So that's the boring stuff out of the way and here is the boy himself Mr Dizzee McStinkle......


  1. Charlie had a visit to the vet today to have her booster shot. Vet said she's getting a little porky :-( So very interested to hear what good snacks you come up with for Stinkle.

  2. Also very excited to be reading the Adventures of Stinkle xxx
